越来越 more and more

On this page we provide real practical examples of 越来越 which you can study and integrate into your own Mandarin usage.

越来越 – example 1

In the example below we see 越来越 at the end of a sentence to denote the growing interest of the Chinese in sport.


(nà shí hòu zhōng guó xǐ huān yùn dòng de rén yuè lái yuè duō).

At that time more and more and more Chinese people were interested in sport.


越来越 – example 2

Below we see the use of 越来越 to denote the change in temperature at the turn of Spring. This is the opening line of a graded reader novel called The Competitor 

天越来越暖和, 马路旁边的树开始变绿, 草也从地上长了出来.

Zhè shì 1997 nián zǎo chūn
tiān yuè lái yuè nuǎn hé , mǎ lù páng biān de shù kāi shǐ biàn lǜ , cǎo yě cóng dì shàng zháng le chū lái

It is early Spring 1997

The weather is becoming warmer and warmer as the trees across the road become green and the grass on the ground begins to grow.

For context see The Competitor, page 1, 竞争对手. Peking University Press