Types of factory in China

Have you ever wondered what types of factory can be found in China and what the Chinese names for these factories are? This page is for students of Mandarin Chinese looking to learn the vocabulary for the different types of factory that can be located in China. It may also be of interest to learners of business Chinese and those doing research before setting out to establish trade links in the country.

Stone-carving factory – 石雕厂


Stone Dragons at a stone carving factory in China

Have you ever been to a restaurant in China that has stone statues either side of the stairs leading up to the entrance? These stone statues were probably made in one of the many 石雕厂,or stone carving factories located across China. These types of factories include small and locally-based operations with one master craftsman. Then there are huge operations in the stone-rich provinces of Fujian, Shandong and Guangdong.

At stone carving factories large pieces of rock are brought in from the quarries. Workmen then set about shaping forms such as animals, figures from Chinese history and culture, or a 石鼎, an ancient style of cooking cauldron.

2009: Nanyang Stonecarving Factory, Henan


Plumbing Factory – 水暖厂

Plumbing factory in Chinese is 水暖厂. In these factories the parts that make up the plumbing systems in houses are assembled or made. This includes plumbing parts for sinks, showers, baths, and radiators.