Kaplan Manchester English School phone number: 0161 219 8220

Contact Kaplan International Language School in Manchester on on the phone number 0161 219 8220. If you are calling from abroad you can contact the school by telephone on 1-888-744-3046 regarding course enquiries. In addition you can connect with  the team via the Kaplan website Kaplan English team to find out about available courses including IELTS preparation.

Kaplan Manchester English Courses

Kaplan International Languages are an English school in Manchester, England that provide English Language courses for students from all over the world. They offer both full academic year courses and short-stay holiday options. 

The academic team at Kaplan offer general English courses for those looking to improve their levels for social, work, or study purposes. You can also phone the team for information on exam-focused study options including IELTS, TOEFL and Cambridge English exam preparation. For more information on English Language courses at Kaplan Manchester phone 0161 219 8220 from the UK, or 1-888-744-3046 from abroad.


Kaplan International English Accommodation options

If necessary Kaplan can assist you in finding accommodation for the duration of your stay in Manchester. Whether you are looking to rent a flat or would prefer to have a home-stay, Kaplan will assist. Contact the team in advance of your study trip for assistance with preparing your accommodation.