Pronunciation of a in pinyin

Here we provide a guide on how to pronounce the pinyin ‘a’ final in Mandarin Chinese. This page acts as a support for our recent YouTube video featuring a guide to how to pronounce ‘a’ based on a video series provided by the Chinese Department for Education. See below the video, and below that a vocabulary guide and transcript for the various sections of the video.

Sentence 1 Vocabulary Guide

Below we provide the transcripts and supporting vocabulary guide that will help you to understand the first couple of sentences in out video about the pronunciation of the Chinese final (单韵母)a. 

At the very beginning of the class the teacher says the pinyin letter a three times. She then asks if you could see clarly. Did you notice anything about the way she pronounces it, including the shape of her mouth? Is there anything that you notice in the shape of her mouth as she pronounces the pinyin letter a?

Teacher: a, a, a.


Chinese pinyin English
我们  wǒmén   we
xiān first
学习 xué xí study
第一个 dì yī gè the first
字母 zì mǔ letter
你们 nǐ mén you
kàn see
清楚 qīng chǔ clearly
question particle




发现 fā xiàn noticed
老师 lǎo shī Teacher