OET Speaking example role-play, smoking

Below is an example OET speaking role play in which a nurse advises a patient on quiting smoking. The conversation takes place a community health centre.

Part 1 – introduction

Nurse: Good afternoon, my name is Geraldine Smith, I am the Nurse at this centre and I will be leading the quit-smoking support group for the next few weeks.

Patient: Hi, Geraldine


Part 2 – Chief concern

Nurse: Do you mind telling me your name and your reasons for joining the group?

Patient: Thanks, my name is Joe Devereux. Well, I thought I’d have a look at what you have to offer, because I recently became a Dad, and that’s made me consider whether I really want to continue smoking.

Nurse: Would it be fair to say that your child is the main reason that you want to quit.

Patient: I think so yes. I want to be able to enjoy fatherhood, without worrying about my life being cut short by a preventable disease. I want to be there when he gets married one day. Plus my wife always complains that smoking makes my clothes, the house, Stink.



Part 3

Nurse: May I ask what kind of cigarettes you smoke and how many cigarettes you smoke per day?

Patient: Well I smoke rollies, by which I mean I roll my own cigarettes. And I probably get through about 20 each day.

Nurse: And Do mind my asking how long you have smoked?

Patient: I’ve been smoking 20 a day for about 25 years,

Nurse: Other than being a new father are there any other reasons that have helped you get to the stage where you are considering quitting smoking?

Patient: Well, obviously cigarettes have been getting more and more expensive each year. Other than the financial benefits I also think quitting would improve my health.

Nurse: And do you have any concerns or reservations about quitting?

Patient: well the thing that is putting me off is the cravings. Having a newborn is a quite stressful and I’m worried the cravings will add to the stress.

Part 4

Nurse: well I think you have put forward some excellent reasons for giving up. I would like to introduce some products and make a plan that can diminish any withdrawals symptoms and help you tackle the cravings.

Patient: Well if there are some products that can support me then I think I would have a much better chance.

Nurse: Agreed. One tried and tested product is Champix. This is in tablet form and it works by blocking any of the pleasurable associations you have withs smoking.  They will help you to break the habit, so that you can find pleasure in other things like a night with friends, a movie, good food etc.

Patient: Champix sounds good and I would like to try it. However, you mention socializing and nice meals – well they are two of my main triggers.

Nurse: In that case you might consider an e-cigarette. Although we can’t prescribe, we do have patients who have successfully used e-cigarettes to deal with triggers. Plus e-cigarettes do not have the same damaging effects as smoking.



Part 5:

Patient: that’s great. How do I move forward.

Nurse: Well first we need to set a quit date. When would be a suitable date for you?

Patient: Well next Monday would be good.

Nurse: That’s perfect because we have our first group meeting next Tuesday that’ll give you a whole day smoke-free, before you meet your peers. Now.. here’s your prescription, please collect it from the pharmacy next door. You will also be able to pick up an e-cigarette and get some instructions for use from the pharmacist.


Look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.